Friday, June 8, 2007

Underdogs in 5

I'll keep this short, mostly because I don't really care about this sport, especially during baseball season. But to be honest, gentlemen, I'm shocked.

Shocked and appalled for white people nationwide. I'm writing a blog with two Canadians, one guy who got really drunk in Montreal (Haven't we all?) and a third whose parents were born in Buffalo, NY.

Hey, if you consistently go 1-for-3, you'll be a Hall of Famer in 20 years.

Granted, I did go to a university that dropped football and now playing the first hockey game of the season for Homecoming, but how could none of you mention the fact that the Anaheim Ducks, no longer Mighty but strong enough to pry Lord Stanley's Cup away from its rightful owners to our north. And in five games no less?

Oh, is it because like everyone south of the International Boundary could give two squirts of piss about hockey.

I hate to be the rating harbinger but a major network 1.5 for anything is pathetic. In fact, it's the worst rating, to borrow an Ali voice, Of All Time!!!

That means Joey, repeats of Touched by an Angel and my personal favorite, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, got better numbers than Hockey Night in Anaheim on the big Peacock.

Tim Cowlishaw has a great column about the 10 things to save the NHL. I don't think it can be saved. They had their chance and blew it twice, first with a stupid strike that no one cared about, especially since the owners won, then the move that will eventually lead to their demise in this country, an item that Cowlishaw listed fourth but is the only one that matters in my book.

"Kiss up to ESPN. Make amends. There's still enough room for programming at the world-wide leader to get your games back there. Versus gives the NHL no presence at all. The studio show has Bill Clement, a great analyst, in the misguided role of host.

Get back to ESPN – even if it's ESPN2 – and get your highlights back on SportsCenter."


Dan Filowitz said...

Who is the other Canadian?

Also, keep in mind that while I was born in Canada I am an American Citizen Born Abroad. I can even be President. For real.

Twinkie said...

I said one out of three ain't bad, Canucker.