Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm just saying

OK, let me start by saying that Michael Vick needs to spend some time in a federal penitentiary somewhere for his actions.

Dog-fighting is illegal in all 48 states in the Union and I'm sure those Alaskans wouldn't look too kindly on it. Maybe on a far, far Hawaiian island you can get away with it, but not on the mainland.

The point is it's wrong, it's bad, it's against the law. That is not at debate.

Vick has pleaded guilty and will serve time, admitting to killing dogs in 'inhumane' ways like strangling, drowning and electrocution.

There's a voice over my ear reminding me that there are child molesters running free that get less air time than a superstar QB who's already gotten off with a obscene gesture to his Atlanta fans, that was caught with a bottle he shouldn't have had at the airport and according to his biological father, was deeply into dogfighting as a youth...

But I digress...

The main problem that America seems to have is with the video of dog fighting and after listening to Michael Wilbon on PTI on Friday afternoon, it's also the fact that he admitted to killing dogs.

Once again, I'm not saying he shouldn't do time or that what he did was OK, but where's the outcry for these 53 dogs that will be euthanized?

Yeah, I understand that because they've been trained to fight, they should be put to sleep, but the suggestion of the same animal rights groups who have picketed against Vick.

But here's my question: Since it seems to be OK to kill the dogs if you do it somewhat kindly, would Vick be in as much trouble if he used an alcohol pad and a needle?



Yeah, what the guy above said plus this Martin; the reason these dogs have to euthanized is because of the inhumane way in which they were raised, they are either too sick to continue living or to trained to be killers that they cannot be rehabilitated. It is not like they are just euthanizing them because they get off on it, that is what dog killers do.

Twinkie said...

My question still hasn't been answered. I completely agree that the dogs needed to be put to sleep.

What I'm asking is if he had done it with a needle instead of hanging, would he be getting as much heat?

And yes, I understand that he's still responsible for putting the dogs into the position that they need to be put to sleep, whether they're performing or just because they can't be released into regular society...

Dan Filowitz said...

The answer to your question is yes, he'd still be getting heat. But the story wouldn't have lasted as long because the details wouldn't have been as lurid.

I mean, the stuff they were doing is pretty gross to imagine. That is fueling the length of the story.

So, if it turned out that Bad Newz was humanely euthanizing the dogs they didn't want any more, Vick'd still be taking a ton of heat. But perhaps not as much, since the "juiciness" of the story is diminished without the elaborate and graphically violent ways they killed the dogs.

Now my question: why do you ask? What does the answer to this question tell you?

Anonymous said...

The difference is that Vick killed them because they lost or would lose him money. No matter the method, he was killing them for self-serving reasons. The Humane Society is killing them because they can't be pets and as Kris stated, they are very unhealthy.

Kid P.