Friday, July 18, 2008

Filowitz's Friday Five

1) The 15-inning All Star Game felt exactly like insomnia. You kept saying, "when will this thing finally end?" Yet you're still lying there, awake, tortured, restless, knowing that the longer it goes on, the worse you're going to feel the next day when it's all over. Thank the Lord what's-his-name got that hit off the guy with the beard, and letting us all finally go to sleep, before the hallucinations (i.e. JD Drew pitching) started.

2) I agree with Kris - Brett Favre needs to go away forever. I can't believe it's to the point that ESPN has a "Favre" category on the bottom crawl. I'm getting so annoyed with this saga that I kind of wish Favre would get his wish, and be forced to play for some crap team like the Falcons, and then suck horribly (which he kind of has for the last 4 years, don't tell Peter King) so everyone can mock him. If he can't go away, he can at least give us schadenfreude.

3) In case you missed it, the Knicks signed guard Anthony Roberson, more or less because of how he played in practice and one summer league game (apparently, the guy can really shoot.) This means the Knicks have more guys under contract than there are roster spots. Most media members thinks this means the end of Starbury. Me, I agree with the Posting and Toasting guys, and think this spells the end of Mardy Collins. I don't really see the point of Mardy Collins. What does he do well? Play defense? Eh. If they made him go away, he would not be missed. Of course, they should still get rid of Starbury. By the way, did you see his head tattoo? Maybe we can get Starbury to box Jose Canseco next.

4) I can't seem to get excited for the Olympics. Not even a little. I'll work on it over the next few weeks, but I'm not making any promises. Track and field and swimming do not make my man-parts stir in any way, shape, or form.

5) In self-promotion news, we've relaunched the political humor blog Suck My Caucus. We've now got it at our own URL,, instead of hosted by Blogger. If you've been reading us, be sure to switch to the new site. If you haven't been reading us, now's as good a time to start as any. It's updated every weekday with jokes about politics and other things in the news. Read us every day, or subscribe to our feed, or do whatever it is you do when you want to let yourself laugh for a change.

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