Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sean Taylor

When tragic things happen in sports, everyone is expected to say something.

I don't have much to say, beyond that I think it's sad when someone so young dies so needlessly.

I do recommend reading this column by King Kaufman (sit through the ads if you have to, i.e. if you're not a Salon subscriber.) He's reliably one of the most level-headed and rational sports columnists out there, and here he is no different.

Read it.

1 comment:



Good link. I would also recommend reading Jason Whitlock's column, which of course I don't have a link too. I found it on MSN last night I am sure you can find it if you want, but I like Whitlock's perspective on issues like this because he is not afraid to tackle the race issue head on when things like this happen, plus he is Martin with talent.