Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Moment of Truth

"No matter what we face, we must face the moment of truth."

I'm sure you all flip past Fox at some point during your channel surfing, just like me. So that means you saw the promo for their silly new game show, "The Moment of Truth".

I had seen a previous episode, well tuned in long enough to get the gist of it and needless to say, I wasn't impressed. Simply put, the show revolves around one person answering questions under a polygraph, then coming back with family members seated close and answering the same questions.

It's as stupid as it sounds, but their latest episode got me to tune in. Or at least DVR it to watch later.

This blonde was in the commercials, pausing around questions of infidelity with her husband in tow. But the kicker was when they brought out an ex-boyfriend to query if he tried to step in would she be down?

That was more than enough and the actual episode didn't fail to entertain in a way that should make you feel bad about yourself, unless you're cool with that side of your persona.

By the way, if you're good with that dark side like me, you'll be a touch upset that we don't get to watch Japanese television shows like the one described here. For those of you who don't want to click the link, this is the paragraph about Happy Family Plan that caught my eye.
In this particular episode, the family's eightysomething grandmother was required to play Keep It Up with a football, maintaining the ball in the air for 50 bounces without letting it touch the ground. She was given two weeks' training by a top soccer coach, then, live in the studio, she gave it a go. Game girl, she managed 31 bounces in a row. Then the ball fell to the floor. The family erupted in fury, cursing the poor old woman as the whole gang were unceremoniously shepherded from the studio, without so much as a Blankety Blank cheque book and pen between them, to return to their life of abject poverty.
Anyway, this is the deal with the stupid show I was originally talking about. The silly girl comes on and it doesn't take long for the questions to get 'personal'. Basically, she's been married to a New York cop for 2 years and from this show, it appears Lauren didn't want to marry Frank, was thinking about another Frank (different dude), would consider leaving her husband Frank for this former boyfriend AND has already had sex with someone else since her wedding day.

And for all this drama, Lauren left with NOTHING because she answered that she thought she was a good person. Could have had $100,000, but instead will head back to the hotel with the same lint in her pocket as she did in the morning.

Hopefully for her sake, the link above shows that she's a model/actress and this was all a fake.

Hopefully. But then again, what do I care? If it's real and she really didn't care about the cash, then it serves her right to leave with nothing after airing all her dirty laundry for the world to see. I feel no pity or remorse for these reality show fiends who are willing to part with their privacy for 15 seconds of TV time or a chance at the Big Bucks.

It's a lot different than the 15 seconds Alex Trebek takes to ask for an anecdote on Jeopardy! In that time, you can't spill your life secrets unless you think telling about the time you carried a goldfish home in your pocket is that embarrassing...

Now playing: Eminem - Say What You Say
via FoxyTunes


zman said...

Alex Trebeck asks for an anecdote. Unless he was bitten by a cobra, then he asks for an antidote.

No Oscars recap? No baseball preview? What's going on with TSABP?

Twinkie said...

Why whatever do you mean?
Antidote? Anecdote?
I mean, honestly, are we talking about spelling? Spelling?
I mean spelling, man.

No, I was gonna ask my cohorts about a baseball preview, but I think we might have to wait until after the NIT for one and mid-June for the other.

Dan Filowitz said...

It's early for a baseball preview. My rule is that I can't even think about baseball when there is snow on the ground and the temperature doesn't get above 40.

We'll get there, though, since all the writers here do in fact watch that sport, and can write something witty and insightful about it (or pretend to.)

zman said...

Does the temperature ever get above 40 in Chicago?

Has anyone looked at the Yankees' depth chart? This is not a $190MM team. 1B is Giambi, Shelley Duncan, and Wilson Betamit. Wang is the ace. Matsui and Damon are the DH's.

Has anyone looked at the Mets' depth chart? Aside from the fact that Moises Alou is older than Moses, they look really good. On paper.