Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Using familar phrases

Whether the World Series is a done deal or just getting started is of little concequence to me. I admit to having it on, but only as background noise (and picture to be truthful).

Regardless the clock has shifted in my mind, partly to move away from the FCA (Flushing Choke Artists) but mostly to give my full and undivided attention to the defending Super Bowl champs and with that comes an admission.

I'm really scared about this week's game against the Cowgirls.

Yes, they are overrated. Yes, they may start Brooks Bollinger or Brad Johnson and neither one can outrun a Man a.k.a Justin Tuck.

But the Girls are playing for their season. A loss drops them to 5-4, 1-2 in the toughest division in the land. At best, they would be playing for the final wild card spot or fourth place in the NFL East.

The Giants never play well in games like this, ones they are supposed to win. Just look at Cleveland. They could lose and still lead the division with the Skins facing a pissed off Pittsburgh team. This is a game where the G-Men would put their foot on the throat of the Boys and end their season for good, which is exactly why I'm scared...

I'm scared for the life of Mr. Obama and that's why I joke he's the Anti-Christ. I don't believe he's in league with the Devil but that doesn't mean he couldn't bring about the end of the world.

Maybe I've read a few too many graphic novels on long truck rides recently, but it's not a far grasp and there is precedent. The Great War or World War One started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Retaliation activated a series of alliances that set off a chain reaction of war declarations. Within a month, much of Europe was in a state of open warfare.

If Obama were elected president and, God forbid, killed and the Palestines were blamed, wouldn't a pro-Israli president like Joe Biden set about finding the culprits with force and the backing of the American public? Would that not set off a series of alliances and we watch history repeat itself, but instead of trench warfare, it would be the last time nuclear weapons were deployed...

Just a thought.


zman said...

I think very highly of Joe Biden (so highly, in fact, that I voted for him in the primary even though it was down to Hillary and Obama at that point). I don't think he would start WWIII because 1) he's too smart for that; and 2) the American public has no interest in another war.


Since when has the interest of the American public ever entered into the conciousness of a politician?

squire said...

i think you've been playing too much Risk

Yurri The Fucking Giant said...

Taking color and race out of the equation if Obama really intends to spit on the Constitution and attempt to lead the USA from a Democratic nation and into a Socialst nation, then I may encourage people to assassinate him. Hundreds of thousands of Americans didn't give their lives trying to protect what the Constitution lays out just so this guy can come in and preach "change change change" and void everything we've fought and died for over the past 200+ years. Socialism has been tried in many forms and in many places, even by the Pilgrims here, and every time it has proven to fail and fail miserably. It's such a shame that John McCain gave so much to his country and defend the Constitution and to lose an election to a man that hates the history of this nation and the wway it was born. He deserves better then that.

Sadly, Obama will win this election and unfortunately for him and his uber radical views, we will be looking toward President Biden to lead this nation very soon after Obama takes office. He just won't survive!

zman said...

What on God's green earth are you talking about? Do you know what socialism is? Have you read the Constitution? Are you familiar with our tripartate system of government? Do you think it's possible for the president to enact socialist laws under the Constitution within the framework of our tripartate government system?

Stop watching Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Sarah Palin's pep rallies as your only source of political information. Go read some original sources like the Constitution, the Federalist papers, hell, maybe even a high school history textbook. Formulate your own thoughts and ideas and opinions.

Anonymous said...

Enough with this fucking Socialism bull shit you fucking sheep. Obama is NOT pushing Socialism he is simply promoting a system that trickles upwards rather than downwards because it is NOT working as is. Obama is simply trying to reverse the tax cuts that Bush set forth earlier this decade (which McCain was against at the time). Raising the Upper class tax from 35%-40% will make up the difference lost by lowering taxes for the middle and lower classes. If you are really against socialist policies you should reccomend getting rid of welfare, medicare, social secuirty, food stamps and more. It's not a complicated concept if you're able to process an independent thought and not blindly listen to two people that are trying to scare you into voting for them. Is Obama going to change the world, probably not, but it's a start.

Dan Filowitz said...

Let's leave the politics to another blog.

Go Knicks!

Twinkie said...

I apologize for adding a touch of political commentary with my fear of the Giants/Cowgirls game Sunday.

I should have brought it to Suck My Caucus, where I get all my political information as you should.

But I felt the need to expound on a quick gib about Obama from a previous post. I didn't mean for it to get this deep.

Then again, we all have to admit. If that man is elected president, he's gonna get shot at. That's about as set in stone as shook white people crossing the street when I approach.

Yurri The Fucking Giant said...

Zoltan- I have never watched O'Reilley or Hannity. So go blow me. I do indeed understand what socialism is and know exactly how our government is set up. And taxing the wealthy and giving rebate checks to those who did not earn enough or nothing at indeed a form of socialism. You work hard for your money and the government takes it from you and gives it to someone who didn't work at all. That sounds like fun. Sign me up! It's all about the American dream and how Obama tells you it's possible but only to a point and then the gov will step in. Sorry you're drinking the kool-aid and refuse to admit I'm right, but we'll all find out real soon just how damn fucked we are in 2 years... Somone will shoot him!!!!

zman said...

If a president who raises taxes is a socialist, then George H.W. Bush likely plays golf with Kim Jong Il.

Yurri The Fucking Giant said...

It's not about raising taxes genius. I thought you were smart.... It's all about taking the tax money and cutting a check to thiose who make less then you... that's taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Hence a wealthy person works hard all their life to get a great aducation, gets a great job, works their way up the ladder to finally enjoy the fruits of their labor and the gov will tax them (which is fine) but then takes that tax money and cuts a check to those who don't make that much or don't make anything at all... That's a form of socialism...or Obamalism. If that's what you consider fair, then go live in China.

And as far as the trickle up system... doesn't that just encourage people to do nothing and live off the govt? Why encourage that?

There are dozens of ways to turn the economy around and stimualte jobs.... Obama's way is for from a good one.

zman said...

Oh, so programs like the Earned Income Credit Tax are socialist? You know that Reagan called the EITC "the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress." So Reagan was a socialist too?

Dan Filowitz said...

Also, you realize that Palin did that in Alaska, right?

They took a big chunk of taxes from the oil companies, and cut a check to everyone living in the state.

Raising the top tax rate back to what it was during the Clinton years (not historically high, by any means) may not be your preferred method. But it is far, far from Socialism.

Anonymous said...

Ummm...wasn't it Bush that had two "stimulation" packages during his term? Aren't they talking about having another one? Did you send your check back when you got yours? Taxes by definition are a way of distributing the wealth...I don't hear any talk about getting rid of taxes, if they did I'd be all for it. Let's not forget that when Bush took office the gov't had a surplus of cash and the first thing he did when he got into power was distribute that wealth. I don't think that's going to be a possibility this time around and I'm not even hearing Obama talk about a stimulation package. Where are you getting your facts from?

Anonymous said...

One more thing...a trickle up system encourages people to spend and not horde their you know what drives the success of the economy? you guessed it, it's spending.